Sunday, February 9

Birthdays all around.

Today was a big day in the Thompson household. Jeff turned 27  and Walter turned 10! Woo hoo for both of them being born! They are the best guys I know, for real. 

I'll tell you what though... today was absolutely anticlimactic. Tomorrow we have our Young Life banquet, which is our largest fundraiser of the year, and it kind of stole the birthdays' thunder. Our church hosts the banquet, so after right after our church service ended this morning our Young Life committee showed up and we got to work. They did buy a nice {and delicious} birthday cake to at least acknowledge Jeff's birth, in the middle of all the frenzy.

Sounds super fun right? Here's a fun fact though {get ready for a lot of numbers}... last year our Young Life banquet was March 4th {four days before my birthday}. We found out we were pregnant with Sullivan just TWO days after the banquet, and TWO days before my birthday. We also adopted Walter on March 11th- so this is our first time celebrating his birthday {with him at least}.

Jeff has been super stressed with the banquet, and we obviously couldn't do anything extraordinary to celebrate. I feel kind of bad about not really making a big deal about BOTH of my boys' birthdays. We didn't get home from setting up until after 6pm... so tonight for dinner we got take-out from a really great restaurant, Frankie Bones. We enjoyed our steaks, and Walter enjoyed the little pieces we gave him {ONLY because it's a special occasion, poor guy lives on only dog food}.

Next year I WILL plan something great to honor and love Jeff {and Walter}. But this year the rock star gift I got Jeff will have to be enough. He's going to LA in April to visit one of his best friends. He's nearly impossible to buy for because he can always find a better deal or just buys things as he needs them {which isn't often}. He always says "I'm about experiences, not gifts" so this year I listened and I delivered.

I also reeeeally want to buy a doggy birthday hat {like this} for Walter, how great will that be?

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